Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Sunday’s mass shooting in Las Vegas may have pierced the gun lobby’s no-exceptions resistance to compromise.


Vice President Mike Pence, who chairs the revived National Space Council, wrote today in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that "America will be the first nation to bring mankind to Mars." These plans follow Elon Musk's announcement last week that a small group of astronauts will be ready to leave Earth in 2024 and head to Mars. But is all this possible in just seven years as a continuation of the technological advances we've seen, or are significant science and engineering breakthroughs needed to reach their goals?

Washington Post

When she was under fire, dodging bullets at the Route 91 Harvest festival on Sunday, Megan Greene felt an odd sense of purpose. "If you're still breathing, you're fine," she told a panicky woman trying to escape with her mother, who uses a wheelchair.

The SIFMA organization formally voiced concerns to the state’s securities division.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Jill Roberts heard the screaming and crying in the Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center emergency room Sunday night as the families and friends of those killed in the Route 91 Harvest music festival shooting found out their loved ones didn’t survive the attack.

Washington Post

The original name was Project Paradise. It was to be a 42-story, billion-dollar resort featuring “an exotic South Seas theme,” a swim-up shark exhibit and a trefoil footprint with a facade of gold leaf. By the time it was built on the burial ground of the 11-story Hacienda — an antique family-centric hotel and casino that was imploded on live TV on New Year’s Eve 1996 — Project Paradise had been renamed after a British poet’s nostalgic (and imperial) ode to the exoticism of south Asia.

City Lab

The man suspected of firing down into an outdoor music festival on the Las Vegas Strip on Sunday night, killing at least 59 people and injuring 527, managed to haul at least 23 firearms—plus ammunition, gun stands, scopes, and other accessories—into his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay.

CBS News

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock was a familiar presence at casinos around Nevada. Paddock, who spent a lot time gambling in the days before the attack, was part of an elite group of wealthy high-rollers.