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Realty Biz News

Wildfires have been ravaging the eastern coast of the United States this summer, but the risk of having your home destroyed in a blaze hasn’t prevented home buyers from purchasing in at-risk areas, according to a recent study.


In Clark County, Nev., which encompasses Las Vegas, the minimum distance required between the back of a single-family home and its rear property line is 20 feet. That requirement can shrink to 15 feet in areas zoned for denser housing. County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani recently announced forming a committee to explore increasing the minimum size of backyards for newly constructed homes in the unincorporated county.


A new study affirms that wildfire risks don't impact property values in fire-prone areas over the long run.

Mortgage Professional America

The immediate impact of wildfires will clearly have an impact on buyers considering areas prone to blazes but not for long.


The shearling jacket is the iconic fashion staple of the apocalypse. It’s protected Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead, Regan Abbott in A Quiet Place, and even Ryan Gosling’s Agent K in Blade Runner 2049.

The Conversation

Prisoners in 17 U.S. states went on strike on Aug. 21 by refusing to eat or work to call attention to a number of troubling issues, including dilapidated facilities, harsh sentences and other aspects of mass incarceration in America.


The number of ADHD diagnoses among children has risen dramatically in the past two decades, going from 6 percent to 10 percent, a new report shows.

Think Realty

Historically, the occurrence of wildfires has dampened home-value appreciation in the immediate area of the fire. This holds true even in neighborhoods with no evacuations or property damage. However, the 2018 wildfire season appears to be a different case entirely.