Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Martin Schiller’s research lab at UNLV is creating far more than just experiments. The research completed inside the Schiller Laboratory of Applied Bioinformatics has led to Schiller’s Heligenics, a startup that could help genetics testing companies shine a light on undiagnosed diseases.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

Want to drop a few pounds before the holiday feasting begins but don't want to go to the gym or under the knife?


We’ve entered some profoundly unfamiliar planetary territory.


A growing number of U.S. children are being diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

U.S. News and World Report

A growing number of U.S. children are being diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

National Geographic

About 310 million years ago in what's now Arizona, a primitive creature trundled along on all fours through towering sand dunes that spilled into the sea. Normally, this creature's tracks would have vanished like other footfalls on a beach. But in a rare case, the tracks hardened into sandstone—preserving this flash of ancient behavior.


Some 310 million years ago, a reptile-like creature with an unusual gait roamed the sandy expanses of the Grand Canyon, leaving a trail of 28 footprints that can still be seen today. As Michael Greshko reports for National Geographic, these unusually well-preserved markers represent the national park’s oldest footfalls—and, if additional analysis links the early reptile to one that left a similar set of prints in Scotland roughly 299 million years ago, the tracks may even earn the distinction of being the oldest of their kind by more than 10 million years.

Al Dia News

The members of the National Association of Hispanic Publications on Thursday here emphasized the need for independent communications media and respect for immigrant communities as tools for U.S. development.