Experts In The News

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Every generation comes with an identity, and often, stereotypes as well. But are these generational generalizations far? There isn’t really a simple answer, according to UNLV Associate Professor of Sociology Michael Borer.

N.B.C. News

Brian Hedlund and Ariel Friel collect microbes living for tens of thousands of years in the subsurface of the earth. By studying these microorganisms, they hope to gain clues about potential life on Mars and other planets.

New York Post

Footprints of a “lizard like-creature” 310 million years old have been unearthed in the Grand Canyon, making them potentially the oldest reptile footprints ever found.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Dessirae Mitchell was born into an unstable home: Her parents, who constantly fought, were in and out of jail for 10 years, and the family never lived in one place for more than three months at a time.

The Diplomat

In 1992, there was a historical meeting in Hong Kong between both sides of the Taiwan Strait. That meeting later gave birth to the term “1992 Consensus.” Although Taiwan and China have different understandings as to what that term entails, the Consensus, first articulated in 2000 by Su Chi, former head of the National Security Council in Ma Ying-jeou’s administration, has become a central pillar in maintaining the stability of cross-strait relations since Ma took office in 2008. On November 7, 2018, Ma again openly promoted the 1992 Consensus in a speech.

Gaming Today

Harold Moret learned to play dominoes from his grandfather. The last memory he has of them together is playing the game on a food tray at his grandfather’s hospital bed.

Science Mag

YAEDA VALLEY IN TANZANIA—As we hike down a rocky slope, through thorny acacias that snag our clothes and past the emaciated carcass of a cow, we hear people singing. We are approaching a small camp of Hadza hunter-gatherers, and our Tanzanian guide thinks they must be celebrating something.

Institutional Investor

When the Supreme Court issued a ruling in May that effectively legalized sports gambling, venture capital firm SeventySix Capital wasted no time getting in on the action.