Jean Sternlight In The News

The rapid evolution and invention of new technology has changed how the world functions and is connected.
The National Desk
The rapid evolution and invention of new technology has changed how the world functions and is connected.

Cincinnati Enquirer
Court of public opinion may be best way to curb abuses, experts say
Jean R. Sternlight, Michael and Sonja Saltman Professor of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law, has published a journal article titled, “Pouring a Little Psychological Cold Water on ODR (Online Dispute Resolution),” Journal of Dispute Resolution, Forthcoming. In her scholarly work, Professor Sternlight looks at the potential good and bad aspects of online dispute resolution (“ODR”).
ABA Journal
If you attended Venable’s Washington, D.C., summer recruiting reception for law students in June or DLA Piper’s Boston associate recruiting event in March, someone may have handed you a flyer on the way in about the big firm’s mandate that staff and associates sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment.