Chad L. Cross In The News

Homes & Gardens
If you've notice pea-sized brown bugs on your plants that are leaving holes from munching, it could be kudzu bugs. Closely related to stink bugs, kudzu bugs are plant munchers that will feed on everything from foliage to vegetables.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Richard Oxborough plucked a vial of human blood from the rack on his lab bench. The UNLV researcher warmed the blood and fed it to a colony of mosquitoes. The critters won’t be quite as voracious as normal because Oxborough didn’t have the chance to starve them, he quipped.
U.S.A. Today
Ticks are the worst kind of pest. Tiny and hard to spot on bare skin, they look like freckles or moles to the naked eye but latch onto hosts, sucking their blood and possibly spreading diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Rabbit fever (tularemia) and Lyme disease.In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported approximately 63,000 cases of Lyme disease.
KENS 5: San Antonio
Many follow home remedies that are not effective. We Verify three of them.
Get ready for a noisy summer: Double the normal amount of cicadas are predicted to emerge this year. Melodramatically dubbed by some as a "cicada apocalypse," there is a reason why we're going to see so many of them in 2024. Find out everything to know about why there will be so many cicadas in 2024 (AKA a double-brood!), how many cicadas to expect and which states they'll hit the hardest.
Las Vegas Weekly
"What is the most dangerous animal in the world?” The answer might surprise you, according to Chad Cross and Louisa Messenger, professors with the UNLV School of Public Health.
Popular Science
Tick season is not only starting sooner—it’s becoming a year-round event. While April through September are usually the most active months, the pesky eight-legged parasites are biting people and animals much earlier in the year than expected. The increasing tick bites are leading to a rise in a variety of tick-borne diseases, including some that were previously uncommon.