Amanda Belarmino In The News

Majorca has been issued stark warnings with regard to persistent protests that are reportedly putting off UK holidaymakers. An expert has spoken of the detrimental effects such demonstrations could have on the island's economy.
Majorca has been warned over protests against UK tourists - with holidaymakers "put off" by the demonstrations in the European Union holiday hotspot. Falling levels of tourism in the Spanish island of Majorca could wreck the island's economy, experts have warned.
Falling levels of tourism - as a result of visitors feeling unwelcome following over-tourism protests - on the Spanish island of Majorca could wreck the island’s economy, tourism experts have warned.
Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español
Before the Fourth of July holiday, Sandra Dimas filled up her tank at a Primm gas station on her way to Las Vegas from Southern California to participate in a dance contest, but she didn't plan on staying long.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Before the Fourth of July holiday, Sandra Dimas was filling up her car at a gas station in Primm as she was driving to Las Vegas from Southern California for a dance competition — but didn’t plan to stay for long. “This is just a rest stop for me,” Dimas said of Primm. “I just want to get to Vegas and don’t want to do much else here.”
Huffington Post
Have you ever found yourself in a mild panic when it’s time to pay your dinner bill on a vacation because you forgot to look up tipping etiquette in that country? You’re definitely not alone. Tipping expectations vary greatly throughout the world, and it can be hard to keep it all straight. Even if you know tipping isn’t standard in a particular region, it can still feel really weird not to leave a tip. Beyond that, in some places, tipping can even be seen as offensive.
Las Vegas Review Journal
About 332,000 tourists are expected to visit Las Vegas and surrounding areas for the Independence Day holiday weekend, hospitality industry officials said.
Las Vegas Review Journal
In the past six months, Las Vegas casino companies have seen an unusually high number of executive changes, including nine from Wynn Resorts who headed to Fontainebleau. Analysts say the reason for the musical chairs merry-go-round may be part of a natural cycle that occurs when a new resort opens its doors — and in Las Vegas’ case, there were two openings within eight days of each other in December.