David Copeland In The News
Between 1996 and 2010, three of the most transformative god-like technologies of modern history were invented. The Search Engine, The Smart Phone, and Social Media.
Discover Magazine
From meditation to physical activity, these evidence-based activities have shown to improve or preserve your brain's ability to think, learn or remember while aging.
Discover Magazine
These evidence-based activities have shown to improve or preserve your brain's ability to think, learn or remember while aging.
Discover Magazine
Can't bear to put down your smartphone? Electronic devices have made themselves indispensable, but experts say they have a considerable effect on our cognitive function.
Verywell Mind
How far back can you remember? The answer might be even earlier than you think, according to new research.
Weight Watchers Canada
The beginning of fall is a perfect time to reflect on how our year has gone so far, and how we want the last few months of it to look. Our mindset is an integral part of how we experience life, and if we’re feeling stuck in a rut or dissatisfied in any way, sometimes giving our mindset a refresh can help.