Benjamin Morse

Visiting Lecturer in New Media
Expertise: Social Media, Public Relations, Digital Media


Ben Morse is an expert on digital media, social media, and public relations, and on the role of superheroes and comic books in society.

Morse spent more than a decade in the digital/new media at Marvel, most recently as Editorial Director of Digital Media. Morse hosted the popular "This Week in Marvel" podcast, livestreamed coverage of the yearly Comic-Con events in San Diego and New York, worked on a number of video, writing and website projects - including Marvel's 75th anniversary website, and he produced " Marvel Super Heroes: What The--?!," a stop-motion animated comedy series. 

Morse previously worked as as staff writer for Wizard Magazine, a print and digital periodical covering popular culture, with a focus on movies, television, comic books, and video games. 

A visiting lecturer for the Greenspun School of Journalism & Media Studies, Morse teaches classes on social media and public relations, and he helps lead the school's burgeoning digital media agency. 


  • B.A. in English, Connecticut College

Search For Other Experts On

arts & culture, communication, popular culture

Benjamin Morse In The News

No film has quite bore so much expectation as The Phantom Menace, the first entry in the Star Wars franchise in 16 years, since Return of the Jedi. In the era of streaming and mass content releases, it feels hard to imagine that level of anticipation and expectation.
Your teen is “caught in 4K” — and boy, they’re in trouble. This is the definition of the slang expression, according to “Caught in 4k is a phrase that means someone was caught in the act of doing something wrong or foolish and there is undeniable evidence to prove it.”
Your teen is “caught in 4K” — and boy, they’re in trouble. This is the definition of the slang expression, according to “Caught in 4k is a phrase that means someone was caught in the act of doing something wrong or foolish and there is undeniable evidence to prove it.”
Are you an “NPC”? Check with your teen! The acronym stands for “non-player character,” which in video game culture, is a figure not controlled by a player. Like a background character or one that is pre-programmed to behave or speak in a repetitive or specific way. Teens say it to offend a real person who they feel is boring: a follower, a minion, a yes-man and not the star of the show.

Articles Featuring Benjamin Morse

students in spring
Campus News | May 1, 2024

News highlights starring UNLV students and faculty who made local and national headlines.

man with superhero drawing on wall behind him
People | May 23, 2018

Benjamin Morse, former digital content director for Marvel Entertainment and future TEDx speaker, is transforming students into content creators.