Articles by Laurie Fruth

Legacies Intertwined
A new book by UNLV journalism professor Gregory Borchard delves into the connected lives of president Abraham Lincoln and 19th century newspaper editor Horace Greeley, both of whom wielded wide influence on the trajectory of the U.S. Civil War and have left an indelible imprint on U.S. history.

A Personal History
William J. Bauer Jr., UNLV history professor and enrolled tribal member of the Round Valley Indian Tribes, tells the history of the people of the Round Valley Indian Reservation in their own words, painting a picture of cultural and socioeconomic perseverance.

Pioneers of the Press
Before her passing, professor emerita of the Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies Barbara Cloud published her book chronicling the history of newspapers and print media in the frontier West and the role those publications played in the economic development of the region.

Research in Print: Spring 2011
Faculty authors explore the coming of the frontier press, life on the Round Valley Indian Reservation, and more.

A New Nationalism
The shifts in German political thought that paved the road from post-Second World War towards Germany’s integration into the European Union are examined in a new book by Daniel Villanueva, visiting assistant professor of foreign languages at UNLV.

From Discovery to Marketplace
UNLV faculty demonstrate that research is actually the mother of invention – although necessity certainly got them thinking.
Building the Future
Greenspun Hall will centralize departments in the College of Urban Affairs and pave the way for high-tech collaborative research.

Miles to Go
Long commutes. Pedestrian safety. Traffic accidents. Seatbelt use. Pollution. UNLV’s Transportation Research Center is ready to take on the challenges of getting people safely from here to there in Southern Nevada.