City view with U.N.L.V. campus in foreground
Business and Community |
UNLV Center for Business and Economic Research conference Nov. 17 to feature economic forecasts and expert panels focused on diversification and clean energy manufacturing.   
illustration of two men in Rebel athletic attire; one dropping a mic and the other catching it
Athletics |
After 52 years, Dick Calvert steps aside, and Marques Pfaff takes over as the new football and men’s basketball public address announcer.  
on a film set with camera monitor in foreground showing restaurant scene
Campus News |
Students collaborate with UNLV faculty and other industry experts to learn the ins and outs of making and distributing a feature film.
abstract painting
Arts and Culture |
The exhibition, which is open to the public, will showcase the works of the late Las Vegas-based artist and beloved UNLV professor beginning November 4.  
far away shot of buildings and skyline in rome during sunset
Arts and Culture |
This double bill of psychological dramas is directed by Linda Lister and conducted by Darryl Cooper. 
Oriaku A. Kas-Osoka, MD
People |
Award-winning associate professor and nonprofit medical director shares what drew her to a career in medicine.
Avatar-Hubo gets ready to stand as two students work on computers.
Campus News |
Robotics come to life for a team of faculty and student engineers as they prepare for the finals of the $10 million ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition. 
smiling young woman working in a science lab
People |
UNLV professor leads the way for first-gen doctoral student Meena Ejjada to attend prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting. 
artistic illustration with woman as well as globe and chemistry bottles
People |
After spending most of her public health career living out of a suitcase, Louisa Messenger has settled down to bring her expertise in infectious diseases and insects to Las Vegas.
adult working with a child during a session
Campus News |
Federal funds will help UNLV PRACTICE create youth treatment programs for early bipolar disorders and psychosis.
student interacting with humanoid robot
Campus News |
UNLV’s Team-Hubo heads to the $10 million ANA Avatar XPRIZE Competition in Long Beach, CA.
two men in suits
Campus News |
United through the promise of our work, the state's two research universities are transforming the state we serve.