Lorena Suarez-Kelly, MD
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Surgical oncologist and cancer researcher joins the Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV as an assistant professor of surgery.
man in leather jacket looking skyward
Arts and Culture |
The acclaimed author of 2023’s 'We Are a Haunting' reads at UNLV on Oct. 19.
man sitting on chair with feet on table and framed photographs behind him
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The Patrick T. Smith Achievement in Service Award winner helped establish scholarship funds and launch a new center at Lee Business School.
Phishing hook on keyboard
Campus News |
A high security score challenge and other fun activities help students, faculty, and staff take charge of their online lives.
A historic cemetery in Tuscarora, Nevada.
Arts and Culture |
Preserve Nevada group calls for action to sustain survival of 11 Silver State treasures.
Research lab (Josh Hawkins, UNLV).
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A UNLV-led team studying potentially fatal, diarrhea-causing Shigella bacteria uncovers a possible way to prevent it from causing disease.
smiling woman outside holding small stuffed item
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The combination of art and science inspired the two-time alumna to pursue dentistry; the unwavering faith of her mentors encouraged her to return as an instructor.
man in red shirt with arms crossed over chest
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The Outstanding Alumnus of the Year helps raise millions of dollars in his 28 years with the UNLV Foundation.
close up of orchestra
Arts and Culture |
The orchestra is conducted by artistic director Taras Krysa.
three men holding different instruments
Arts and Culture |
Since 1991, the trio has captivated audiences by seamlessly crisscrossing genres, intersecting rock, jazz, classical, and world music.  
man sitting on white sofa
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The Lee Business School Alumnus of the Year has found balance between advising clients in Las Vegas' biggest industries or volunteering his time at local organizations.
woman in fabulous outfit posing at bottom of staircase
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The Urban Affairs Alumna of the Year works to encourage self-success and eliminate generational poverty.