Bryan Blankfield standing at whiteboard in front of students
People |
Taking a cue from Gandalf the Grey, this new Honors College faculty-in-residence invites students to say “yes” when life offers unexpected adventures.
man in suit outside law building
Campus News |
Dr. David Orentlicher is examining the intersection between medicine and policy.
Portrait of Peter Gray, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Campus News |
First of its kind study looked at UNLV’s 8-Bit team as it readies for Mountain West Showdown against Boise State University.
Katherine Hertlein
People |
Director of Couple and Family Therapy Program will research intersection of technology and relationships in Austria.
string quartet members with instruments
Arts and Culture |
The Washington Post describes the group as performing with "a fire that makes all timeless music forever contemporary."
Libby Hausrath and student Seth Grainey working by microscope in lab.
Campus News |
UNLV research could help assess landing locations and excavation sites for NASA’s 2020 rover mission to Mars.
woman dancing on stage
Arts and Culture |
This Department of Dance and School of Music collaboration promises an exciting program of new music and choreography.
Blocks are laid out during the construction of the James Bailey marimba
Campus News |
A retired master works with UNLV professor on documenting the building of what may be the final instrument of his career.
portrait of man holding video equipment
People |
Drawn to UNLV by the chance to build something from scratch, this video designer looks forward to finding creative ways to showcase the university's people, programs, and achievements.
illustration of brain with music notes
Arts and Culture |
The symposium is presented by professor Lawrence Zoller from the School of Dental Medicine.
close-up of artwork
Arts and Culture |
Find out what it means to think about vision as an active process in the brain, not just the eye.
Allison Slaughter seated at a desk.
Business and Community |
UNLV practicum helps social work students find the right fit and connect to future jobs.