Christen Lena Gomez working at her computer.
Research |
This Research & Creative Honors Program participant makes educating children about the diversity within the Latino community fun.
A portrait of Noelle Lefforge outside on campus
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Noelle Lefforge helps a UNLV mental health clinic reach into rural Nevada while giving graduate students vital training.
a doctor talking to a woman with another doctor in background
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The UNLV Family Medicine Clinic handles around 11,000 patient visits per year, including expectant mothers, children, adults, and the elderly, as well as the Golden Knights and Aviators.
award recipients
Campus News |
UNLV faculty and students honored with Service-Learning, Community-Based Research, Faculty/Staff Outreach, and Student Service awards.
A portrait of Shekinah Hoffman with a portion of the Las Vegas skyline, including the High Roller, in the background.
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Shekinah Hoffman leads a rigorous program for mentoring youth in under-resourced communities.
A portrait of Jay Shen
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Health Care Administration and Policy professor Jay Shen works to increase understanding and use of palliative care among Asian-Americans.
Ginger Christian seen seated in a classroom setting
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Medical student Ginger Christian brings casualty training program to her classmates and the community.
A glass exterior wall faces a wood-lined hallway opposite an interior wall covered in plant life.
Business and Community |
Solar Decathlon team finishing design work on Mojave Bloom house before a year of construction.
Portrait of Daniel Mendoza with ribbons around his neck displayig sports medlas he has won.
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Two concepts drive his personal and professional life – traveling and getting involved
Black Fire rendering
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The 43,000 square-foot “Black Fire Innovation” space will include replicated elements of a Caesars casino and resort to provide real-life conditions for product testing and a place for students to train to enter the workforce of the future.
book covers
Arts and Culture |
Books by UNLV professors deal with topics as disparate as Thai food and feminist-owned sex-toy stores and the impact both have had in the U.S.
Chuck Todd, host of NBC's Meet the Press, moderates a discussion at the Bellagio in Las Vegas between former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid and former Speaker of the House John Boehner.
Business and Community |
Inaugural symposium highlights need for collaboration across academia, business, and government to secure a prosperous American workforce.