June Cho
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June Cho of UNLV's School of Nursing moved to Las Vegas last year after more than 20 years on the East Coast, eager to discover what life is like in the West.
Closeup of Doris Blackwell
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This program officer I advocates for open communication.
man seated at event listening
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Former UNLV President Don Snyder has played pivotal roles in many key Southern Nevada institutions, including the UNLV School of Medicine
A woman leans against a chain-link fence as the sun sets in the background.
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A new book reveals how current social structures thwart the mobility of black and brown youth, even those who ‘play by the rules.’
collage with two photos of Peru, photo of a woman, and photo of a class
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alpacas graze among Inca ruins in Cusco, Peru
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UNLV Global Entrepreneurship Experience Program students learn about business and tourism at Machu Picchu during the last leg of their journey through Peru.
Lisa Davis standing in tall grass at the Wetlands.
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A triple UNLV alum, Lisa Davis has found her passion for sustainability, helping people, and adventure in UNLV's MBA programs.
hand holding cell phone with social media apps on screen
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UNLV sociology doctoral students study how two politically polarized activist groups use social media to organize and impact legislation.
elephant reaching into tree
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A new book details how colonial control impacted a continent’s relationship to its wildlife.
A dry lake bed at Lake Mead National Recreation Area.
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UNLV researcher develops new method for categorizing climate change beliefs and shares tactics for communicating with deniers.
man shaking hand of woman in doctor's coat
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First-year medical student Danielle Arceo is considering a career in psychiatry or pediatrics.
A man in a UNLV basketball jersey leans on a gold-colored Oldsmobile.
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Francisco Franco used to commute to school in a stock Oldsmobile in the late 1990s. When he was invited last year to bring the same car — now a custom lowrider — back for an art exhibit, it was a full-circle moment for the UNLV alumnus.