Exterior view of Thomas & Mack Center, Cox Pavilion and Mendenhall Center
Athletics |
James J. Baumberger Estate gift of $8 million is the largest in UNLV Athletics history.
Lindsay J. Russell dressed in a red Star Trek uniform while standing on a rock formation.
People |
Her love for all things sci-fi has shaped her outlook on leadership, life, and being a strong woman.
Hands hold the scales of justice
Campus News |
As the nation clamors for substantive social justice reform, the Boyd School of Law is advancing the cause through its innovative and impactful courses, programs and community initiatives.
Woman hold laptop and tossing an apple
Business and Community |
Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation finds home at UNLV and in the community.
brandi planet standing with arms folded
People |
Alumna puts communication, law degrees to work while co-founding new firm.
A doctor in scrubs points to a medical image
People |
A bout with malaria put Oluwafunmilola Okuyemi on the path to becoming a physician. Today she and UNLV colleagues have pioneered a way to lessen COVID-19 spread during surgery.
A man rests his palm on his face in front of a whiteboard with equations
Research |
Physics professor Michael Pravica's work on useful hard X-ray photochemistry could reveal novel materials — and possibly an explanation for the origin of life on Earth.
building exterior
Campus News |
UNLV instructor uses the power of inquiry to help freshmen find their majors.
medical professional pokes syringe into top of a vial she holds in her gloved left hand
Campus News |
UNLV public health researcher Melva Thompson-Robinson explains the U.S.’s history of medical trauma against people of color, its impact on the pandemic, and tips for meaningful messaging.
A silhouette of a man on a bicycle
Arts and Culture |
NCT is pleased and extremely proud to present this production, made possible by interdisciplinary collaboration with UNLV Film.
Student sitting outside on a bench
Campus News |
A collection of news stories from the new year highlighting the experts and events at UNLV.
Portrait of Holly Samayoa is the Rookie of the Year in the Classified Employee of the Year Awards for 2020
People |
After more than a decade, Holly Samayoa earned her UNLV degree and now has been recognized as the university's Rookie of the Year.