Two women stand in front of cars
People |
Sarah Grimley works diligently not only on her studies but also on efforts to help the LGBTQ+ community.
Person viewing monitors
Campus News |
A collection of news stories highlighting the experts and events at UNLV.
Artist Mike Smith standing next to file cabinets filled with his art
Business and Community |
More than 13,000 illustrations from noted Las Vegas Sun editorial cartoon artist Mike Smith will be preserved, archived, and made available for research.
A passport and U.S. visa
Campus News |
Immigration Clinic program offers critical — and free — immigration-related legal assistance to UNLV and College of Southern Nevada students, staff and family members.
woman surrounded by laptops, ipad, phone, and other tech covers ears in frustration
Research |
UNLV social media expert Natalie Pennington shares the top 10 takeaways of research on the impact of video chats, email, online gaming, and other communication tech on stress, loneliness, and relationships.
A man eats a VHS cassette
People |
MFA film student lands major screenwriting prize from Humanitas.
Portrait of UNLV Athletics Dietiian Nicole Kiley
People |
You can. You will. Let's go! That's the mantra that the UNLV athletic department's first sport dietitian uses for herself and for her student-athletes.
Rochelle and Dustin Hines standing in white lab coats
Research |
UNLV neuroscientists Dustin and Rochelle Hines join rising number of researchers studying possible medical benefits of psychedelics; their work on brain activity recently published by Nature: Scientific Reports.
A woman stands on the beach
People |
School of Medicine student Diane Han turns to the ER after an attentive doctor played a key role in her father's hour of need.
A woman places a tray inside a research freezer
Research |
A "minus 80" freezer keeps the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine well below zero, but it was a mistake UNLV got it in the first place.
A woman sits next to a series of three sets of model teeth
Research |
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib advocates for dentists becoming the first line of defense against sleep apnea and other sleep breathing issues.
Commercial building with Asian architecture at night with car lights streaming
Research |
Four students have joined the UNLV Oral History Research Center to conduct interviews from the region’s Asian American & Pacific Islander communities.