Mary Blankenship peers into Scienta
People |
UNLV undergrad Mary Blankenship blends public policy, science, and economics into a cocktail for successful global change.
Doris Watson
Campus News |
College of Education experts explore what it means to be an MSI institution as they train future higher ed leaders.
A map of Arizona with tags hanging off it
Arts and Culture |
This dynamic global exhibition project is carried out locally by students from UNLV’s Department of Anthropology.
Ngai Pindell speaking at podium
Arts and Culture |
The documentary aims to bring awareness to a local community in the shadows searching for hope.
A woman in a ballet tutu dances in an African city
People |
College of Fine Arts Alumna of the Year Cooper Rust spreads her passion for dance to children in Kenya.
A man stands in front of a sign for the CA Group
People |
Engineering Alumnus of the Year Jim Caviola has been involved in some of Southern Nevada's most important infrastructure projects.
woman writing a note
Campus News |
Students in the Las Vegas Scholars Program find support, sense of belonging and success on campus
UNLV students outdoors standing amidst large red UNLV letters
Campus News |
UNLV moves from second into a four-way tie for first in annual U.S. News & World Report list for “campus ethnic diversity.”
A woman sits in front of a wall of posters.
People |
Interim director of student diversity & social justice reflects on making students heard, making room for all perspectives, and her Las Vegas ties.
Masked students in class
Campus News |
Help UNLV develop ways to improve student success at the Sept. 24 event. Open to all students, faculty, and staff.
Red stone wall with bronze sculptures
UNLV History |
After UNLV's first building had long outlived its usefulness, it was torn down. But its historical significance was preserved as a memorial to the university's most influential supporters.
A medical student buttons a white jacket
Business and Community |
White Coat Campaign provides one white coat — and a full scholarship — for School of Medicine students.