David Schwartz (Center for Gaming Research) and 10 graduates of the Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies or School of Communications won awards in this year's Nevada Press Association contest. Schwartz's awards came for his work in Vegas Seven magazine. He was recognized in the Best Local Column category for his bi-weekly "Green Felt…
Ted Greenhalgh (Environmental and Public Affairs) presented "When Hollywood Goes Green, Does It Matter?" at the Midwest Popular and American Culture Association annual conference in Indianapolis. The paper examines movie portrayals of environmental themes, including climate change and sustainability.  
Harriet Barlow (Diversity Initiatives) will deliver the keynote address at the 37th annual Carbondale (Ill.) Branch NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet. This year's theme is "All In for Justice and Equality: Your VOTE is a Path."
Liz Baldizan (Educational Outreach) was the lead author for a chapter in a recent publication by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Increasing Adult Learner Persistence and Completion Rates. Her co-author was Pamela Schreiber of the University of Washington. The chapter focuses on community partnerships for adult…
Sanford I. Berman Debate Forum, UNLV's debate team, won accolades at its first debate tournament of the 2014-15 season. Four teams represented UNLV at the tournament hosted by the University of Missouri, Kansas City in September. A total of 114 teams from across the nation competed. Sara Beth Brooks and Dan Stanfield finished the preliminary…
Timothy Erwin (English) was asked to serve on a British literature evaluation panel this summer at the National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., and later spoke at the triennial meeting of the International Association for Word and Image Studies hosted by the Scottish Word and Image Group at the University of Dundee, Scotland. He…
Ross Bryant (Veteran Services), Tracy Johnson (Wilson Advising Center), and Allison McSwain (Admissions) made presentations at the 2014 NSHE Southern Nevada Diversity Summit. Bryant and Johnson presented "Keys to Veteran Success and Retention: A UNLV Model." The office of veteran services and the Student Veterans & Military Family Services…
Maurice Finocchiaro (Philosophy) has just published his fourteenth book, The Trial of Galileo: Essential Documents (Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 2014). It is a collection of the most important writings leading to the 1633 Inquisition's condemnation of Galileo, who was suspected of heresy for defending Copernicus's…
Darrell Pepper (Mechanical Engineering) has been selected to receive the Lifetime Achievement Medal from the International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES) for "seminal contributions to computational environmental fluid dynamics." The award will be presented at the opening ceremony of ICCES 15, which…

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