Sheniz Moonie and Brian Labus (both Environmental and Occupational Health), along with Julia Anderson, '19 PhD Public Health, and former UNLV faculty member Mary Beth Hogan (now of Marshall University), published an article, "A Description of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) in the Southwestern State of Nevada" in the journal Postgraduate…
Jason Park (Math) presented a talk at the fall western sectional meeting of the American Mathematical Society. The meeting was held at the University of California, Riverside earlier this month. The topic was "Algebra of Random Measures."
Paula M. Frew (Environmental and Occupational Health) has had her research published in Vaccine. The article is "MomsTalkShots: An Individually Tailored Educational Application for Maternal and Infant Vaccines."
James Cheng, Brittany Paloma Fiedler, and Katherine Keller (all Libraries) presented at the Nevada Library Association 2019 Annual Conference, "Libraries Building Bridges," earlier this month in Reno.  Cheng presented "Librarians and Researchers on Academic Library Impact: Characteristics and Perspectives," which detailed the results of a…
Cass Shum, Anthony Gatling, and Jaimi Garlington (all Hospitality) recently published a research paper, "All People are Created Equal? Racial Discrimination and its Impact on Hospitality Career Satisfaction" in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. In the paper, they showed that compared to white people, people of color suffer a…
A number of UNLV communicators and other staff members received high marks from the Las Vegas Valley Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America during the recent Pinnacle Awards ceremony. The Las Vegas chapter sends the entries to judges outside the local market for evaluation to provide the most objective evaluation and determination of…
Susanna Newbury (Art) and Alana Fa'agai (English) presented their scholarship and teaching methods at the November 2019 National Humanities Conference in Honolulu. The panel, Localizing the Digital and Public Humanities, addressed the scaling of high-quality, humanities-based research to digital delivery methods for an audience of scholars, non-…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored the article "Is Free Speech Being Crushed by the U.S.-China Confrontation?" on The National Interest. This article discusses how citizens and even celebrities may be influenced by the exertion of sharp power and its implication to the future of democracy.
Romeo Jackson, Alex Romero, Kayla Tanaid (all Student Diversity & Social Justice) recently completed a 60-hour financial coaching training through Opportunity Alliance Nevada in partnership with  Supporting Our Students (S.O.S.) Emergency Relief Fund program. 

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