Richard Miller (Music), Katrina Liu (Teaching and Learning), and Arnetha F. Ball of the Stanford University Graduate School of Education recently published "Critical Counter-Narrative as Transformative Methodology for Educational Equity" in Review of Research in Education, a key journal of the American Educational Research Association. This…
Jacob D. Skousen (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) presented with colleagues Spencer C. Weiler and Nathan L. Schmutz (both of BYU) at the National Education Finance Academy (NEFA) 2020 annual conference this month. The presentation, "Risk and Cost Assessment of a Continuum of Possible School Safety Measures," was an overview of…
Amanda Fortini (Journalism) recently won the prestigious Rabkin Prize. The fourth annual Rabkin Prize for Arts Writers, given by the Dorothea and Leo Rabkin Foundation, recognizes outstanding contributions by critics who write on visual arts. The prize was awarded to nine writers nationally. Each honoree will receive $50,000.…
Repairer Etuk and Shane Kraus (both Psychology) and colleagues recently published a systematic review, "Gambling Problems in US Military Veterans, in Current Addiction Reports. 
Jenna Weglarz-Ward (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education), along with colleagues from California and Kentucky, recently published an article in the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education on how to include family engagement content into early childhood courses. The article, "Integrating Family Content into Teacher…
C.E. Abbate (Philosophy) published her paper, "Meat Eating and Moral Responsibility," in Utilitas. 
Johan Bester (Medicine) published an ethical analysis of defensive medicine in the journal Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy. This article provides a set of arguments to show why defensive practice is ethically problematic and should not be practiced. The article, "Defensive Practice is Indefensible: How Defensive Medicine Runs Counter to the…
Maggie McMullin (Psychology) recently received the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Award through the U.S. Department of Defense and Office of Naval Research to support her research on auditory scene perception. This is a competitive fellowship that promotes education and research relevant to the defense…
Murray Mackenzie (Hospitality) and his co-author's article, "Segmenting Chinese Millennial Restaurant Customers: A Lifestyle and Health and Environmental Consciousness Approach," recently was published in the Journal of China Tourism Research. The paper provides insight into the attitudes and behaviors of Chinese millennials regarding dining out.

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