Jason Longhurst and co-authors Morgan Wise, Daniel Krist, Caitlin Moreland, Jon Basterrechea, and Merrill Landers (all Kinesiology and Physical Therapy) recently published an article, “Brain Volumes and Dual-task Performance Correlates Among Individuals with Cognitive Impairment: A Retrospective Analysis,” which will be published soon in the…
The Graduate College is pleased to announce the Spring 2020 Graduate College Medallion recipients. Graduate College Medallion recipients are exceptionally involved during their time as graduate students at UNLV. Medallions are given in the semester students graduate.  This semester's recipients are: Austin McKenna, Biological…
Dr. David Cappelli (Dental) served as guest editor of the Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Precision Public Health and the Future of Dental Public Health special issue, which published this spring. He also authored "Introduction: The Advent of Precision Public Health and the Future of Dental Public Health," which appeared in the issue.
Dr. Flora Phipps (Dental) appeared on U.S. Sen. Senator Jacky Rosen’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages on April 3 as part of the senator’s “Nevada Women in STEM” highlight.
Judd Harbin (Student Affairs Strategic Planning and Assessment) was a panelist on "Student Affairs Assessment: Priorities and Focus During COVID-19." The webinar, which took place earlier this month, was sponsored by Campus Labs. Panelists included current members of the board of directors for Student Affairs Assessment Leaders: Judd Harbin, past…
Kassie Moore (Career Services) was published in the 29th edition of Journal of Student Affairs for her research "Career Advising and Development in Community College: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Practice." Her findings will pave the way for future research projects as well as provide community colleges with a different…
Korey Tillman (Sociology) recently published an essay in the American Sociological Association’s SREM - Mentoring Blog titled "#SocAF – A Movement in Self and Communal Love." The essay highlights his efforts to change academic culture and eradicate impostor syndrome. #SocAF is a movement that focuses on self- and communal-love encouraging…
Dharini Bhammar (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Danielle Strozza (Medicine), and co-authors recently published a paper, “Pitfalls in Expiratory Flow Limitation Assessment at Peak Exercise in Children: Role of Thoracic Gas Compression,” in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.  The article investigated the…
Dr. Jeffery Cummings (Brain Health) and other members of a joint European Union/United States Task Force recently published, “Non-Amyloid Approaches to Disease Modification for Alzheimer’s Disease” in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. In recognition of the complexity of the disease, the task force acknowledges it may…

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