Cornelia Fanter (Life Sciences) received a coveted National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology. Fanter is working with assistant professor Allyson Hindle and her proposal was titled, "What Makes a Mammalian Hibernator? Evaluating the Evolution and Mechanisms of Metabolic Depression as an Ancestral Trait." She…
Lyndsey Craig and Peter Gray (both Anthropology) published a paper in PLoS ONE based on Craig's master's research. The study, "Women's Use of Intimate Apparel as Subtle Sexual Signals in Committed, Heterosexual Relationships," takes an evolutionary-oriented approach to women's sexuality within relationships. The research is relevant to…
Alex Hoffman, Eric Becerril-Blas, and Yoohwan Kim (all Computer Science), along with Kevin Moreno, '19 BS Computer Science, published the paper "Decentralized Security Bounty Management on Blockchain and IPFS" in the proceedings of the 2020 10th annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC). This publication was awarded Best…
Elizabeth Lawrence (Sociology) and colleagues published an article, "Family Structure and Early Life Mortality in the United States," in Journal of Marriage and Family.
Paula Frew and Laura Randall (both Environmental and Occupational Health) had an article, "Adherence to Timely Vaccinations in the United States," recently published in Pediatrics. The objective is: 1. To estimate the proportion of children not adhering to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended early childhood…
Jonathan Rhodes Lee (Music) has just published a book, Film Music in the Sound Era, with the Routledge publishing firm. The book offers a comprehensive bibliography of scholarship on music in sound film (1927–2017). Thematically organized sections cover historical studies, studies of musicians and filmmakers, genre studies, theory and aesthetics,…
Mary Shoff, Thomas Booker, Brennan Leavitt, Dylan Harmon, Karl Kingsley and Katherine M. Howard (all Dental) published their research titled "Differential Exosome miRNA Expression in Oral Cancer Stem Cells" in the latest issue of the journal ExRNA.   
Miliaikeala SJ. Heen (Criminal Justice) is one of the 2020 recipients of the Regents' Scholar Awards. The NSHE Board of Regents recognizes students for academic achievements, leadership ability, and service contributions. A doctoral student, Heen will receive a $5,000 stipend. Heen's current research looks at reducing sexual assault and harassment…
Jason Flatt (Environmental and Occupational Health) was awarded a $40,000 grant funded by the Research Centers Collaborative Network and American Federation for Aging Research as part of the Inter-National Institute on Aging Center Pilot Proposal on Sex and Gender Differences in Aging. The project, "The CoGenT3 Study: Cognition and Gender Trends…

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