Jin Ouk Choi, Saba Nikkhah Manesh, Binit K. Shrestha, and Pramen Shrestha (all Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) and Jaewon Lim (Public Policy and Leadership) published a journal paper, "Spatial Analysis of the Gender Wage Gap in Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Construction Occupations in the United States" in…
Andrew Thomas Reyes, William Gangozo (both Nursing), Tirth Bhatta (Sociology), and Venkatesan Muthukumar (Electrical & Computer Engineering), published an article, “Testing the Acceptability and Initial Efficacy of a Smartphone-app Mindfulness Intervention for College Student Veterans with PTSD.” This article is published in the April issue of…
Dr. Jeffery Cummings (Brain Health) and other members of a joint European Union/United States Task Force recently published, “The Future of Anti-Amyloid Trials,” in the Journal of Prevention and Alzheimer’s Disease. The authors analyze the impact of multiple clinical trials that recently ended for a variety of reasons on the Alzheimer's disease…
James Cheng and Starr Hoffman (both Libraries) recently published "Librarians and Administrators on Academic Library Impact Research: Characteristics and Perspectives" in College & Research Libraries April special issue. Funded by the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Academic Library Impact…
Samantha Coogan (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) has received the 2020 Academic Assessment Award for an individual. This award is given by the office of the vice provost for academic programs and the office of academic assessment.     She was nominated by professor John Mercer and Dean Ronald Brown for her work to…
Soumya Upadhyay (Healthcare Administration and Policy) presented a webinar last month on "Healthcare Finance Issues During COVID Crisis." This webinar was attended by health care administration faculty, graduate students, and post-docs. She discussed the implications of surge capacity due to the COVID crisis on hospital capacity and capacity…
Seong-min Park, Shon Reed (both Criminal Justice), Jay J. Shen (Public Health), and Ji Won Yoo (Medicine) recently published an article, “The Effect of Marijuana Legalization on the Trajectories of Hard Drug–related Hospitalizations: A Growth Curve Analysis of the County-level State Inpatient Database in Washington, 2009–2015 ” in the Journal of…
The College of Liberal Arts has received the 2020 Academic Assessment Award for a department or unit from the office of the vice provost for academic programs and the office of academic assessment. The college has worked to engage community partners and incorporate high-impact practices in its internship programs, and support students as they…
Sai Kosaraju and Mingon Kang (both Computer Science) published a conference paper, "PAGE-Net: Interpretable and Integrative Deep Learning for Survival Analysis Using Histopathological Images and Genomic Data," in Pacific Symposium Biocomputing, which is recognized as a top-tier bioinformatics conference as well as Intelligent Systems for Molecular…

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