Dr. Jordana Haber (Medicine) spoke on the topic of "Intimate Partner Violence - Strangulation and the Brain - Understanding the Intersections" as an invited guest speaker (via Zoom) for the "All Women's Speaker Conference" earlier this month for the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency Program at Brigham and…
UNLV American Marketing Association Student Chapter (Marketing and International Business) recently competed in the American Marketing Association's annual collegiate international case competition and tied for second place alongside University of Pennsylvania and British Columbia Institute of Technology. The student teams developed…
Aaron Saiewitz (Accounting) published an article with Dave Piercey (University of Massachusetts Amherst) titled “Too Big to Comprehend? A Research Note on How Large Number Disclosure Format Affects Voter Support for Government Spending Bills” in the journal Behavioral Research in Accounting. In this study, the authors report an experiment…
Howard R. D. Gordon (Teaching and Learning) recently served on an online panel that focused on "Career and Technical Education (CTE) Publishing and Professional Organizations," for ECMC foundation of Postsecondary CTE 2020 Research Fellows. He was also appointed to the editorial board of The CTE Journal. 
Joel Snyder (Psychology), along with David Little and Mounya Elhilali, both of Johns Hopkins University, has published a paper on computational modeling of auditory perception in PLoS Computational Biology. Little formerly was a post-doctoral fellow in psychology at UNLV.  
Andrew Thomas Reyes, Judzia Bombard, and William Gangozo (all Nursing), Tirth Bhatta (Sociology), and Venkatesan Muthukumar (Electrical & Computer Engineering), published an article, “Promoting Resilience Among College Student Veterans Through an Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapy App: An Intervention Refinement Study,” in the Community Mental…
Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) has a chapter in the forthcoming volume, Routledge Handbook of Ecocultural Identity. Her chapter, "The Reworking of Evangelical Christian Ecocultural Identity in the Creation Care Movement," explores how creation care members refigure their Christian identity to make room for…
Won-Yong Oh (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology) published an article "Ethical Dilemmas in the Coronavirus Care: Who Should Get Treated First if the Demand for Medical Resources Becomes Overwhelmed?", in the European Business Review, a UK-based leading international business magazine. This article discusses ethical dilemmas facing medical…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a case series, "Trauma-informed Drug Screens for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders: A Case Series," in the Journal of Dual Diagnosis.  

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