Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper, "Examining Relations Between Obsessive-Compulsive Features, Substance-Use Disorders, and Antisocial Personality Disorder in the Vietnam Era Twin Cohort" in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 
David G. Schwartz (Faculty Affairs) recently had a paper based on his keynote address published as a chapter in the proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Alfa BK University in Belgrade, Serbia. “To Stand the Test of Time: A Close Reading of Sid Meier's Civilization V as Text” examines the…
Dr. Marc J. Kahn (Medicine) wrote an editorial titled "Healthcare Should Not be a Partisan Issue" that appeared on the front page of the Las Vegas Sun on May 11.
Ann M. Vuong (Environmental and Occupational Health) recently published an article on "Maternal Cadmium Exposure and Neurobehavior in Children: The HOME Study" in the journal Environmental Research. The objective of the study was to examine the potential associations between Cd exposure during pregnancy and neurobehavior among children.
Chelsea Heinbach, Mark Lenker, Francesca Marineo, and Rosan Mitola (all Libraries) presented at the LOEX 2020 virtual conference, "We Can Do It: Building The Best In Library Instruction,"earlier this month. LOEX is a self-supporting, non-profit educational clearinghouse for library instruction and information literacy information. Marineo,…
Qing Wu, Xiangxue Xiao, and Yingke Xu (all Environmental and Occupational Health) recently published two studies together in the Journal of Clinical Medicine: "Evaluating the Performance of the WHO International Reference Standard for Osteoporosis Diagnosis in Postmenopausal Women of Varied Polygenic Score and Race"   "Performance of FRAX…
The Growth, Inclusivity, Voice, and Excellence (GIVE) Award (Women's Council) winners in this inaugural year are Cristina Hernandez  (Nidetch Women's Center) and the Libraries' Inclusion and Equity Committee. These award decisions were made based on the nominees' evidence of commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion…
Colleen Hall-Patton (Sociology) had an article, "Modern Quilting in the 1950s," published in Make Modern magazine, a digital Australian magazine, which used content analysis of 1950s magazine articles to tie together current and historic quilting trends.
Johan Bester (Medicine) published an article, "The Two Components of Beneficence and Wellbeing in Medicine: A Restatement and Defense of the Argument" in the American Journal of Bioethics. In this article, he restates his theory of beneficence and well-being in medicine, and defends the theory against critiques. This conception of beneficence…

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