Shaoan Zhang (Teaching & Learning), Qingmin Shi (Decision Support), and Emily Lin (Graduate College) published an article, “Professional development needs, support, and barriers: TALIS U.S. new and veteran teachers’ perspectives.” Drawing on 1,508 U.S. secondary teachers’ data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey 2013, this…
Marina Garber (Colacicchi) (World Language & Cultures) published a selection of poetry in Russian was published in the literary magazine The Text, Germany. 
Hyunhwa 'Henna' Lee (Nursing) and her interdisciplinary team authored an article, “Long-Term Impact of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries on Multiple Functional Outcomes and Epigenetics: A Pilot Study with College Students,” in Applied Sciences for the Special Issue Biomarkers and Human Biomonitoring in Occupational Medicine. The aim of…
Paula Frew and Laura Randall (Environmental & Occupational Health) recently had their article "Patient Decision Making Related to Maternal and Childhood Vaccines: Exploring the Role of Trust in Providers Through a Relational Theory of Power Approach" published in Health Education & Behavior. 
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) presented her paper "'Maybe It Was All God Trying to Stop Me': The Harmful Intimacy of Crossing Borders for Abortion Care" as part of the Resisting Borders II online conference "Refugee and Migrant Health: Caring on the Landscape of Displacement."
Vanessa Booth (Political Science),  Peter Grema (Economics), and Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) each received the Office of Undergraduate Research Summer Undergraduate Research Funding Scholarship for Summer 2020. With this funding, these students can continue their research on important public policy issues and…
Saba Nikkhah Manesh worked with Jin Ouk Choi (Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction) was recognized by Horrocks Engineers in an interview about the poor participation of women and the gender wage gap in the construction and engineering industry. The construction industry is one of the largest job providers in the United States…
Dr. Buddha Dawn (Medicine) recently presented a webinar as part of the Frontiers in Cardiovascular Science seminar series organized by the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine. In his talk “Cell therapy: Clinical Evidence and Scientific Advances," he discussed results from meta-analyses of clinical trials that…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) recently had an Op-Ed published in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "In an age of misinformation, fact-checking must be encouraged." In her piece, Blankenship discusses how "the pervasiveness of misinformation on social media makes it one of the great challenges of the 21st century." Blankenship is pursuing a…

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