Toyokazu "Chris" Endo, Ashley Hilton, Petar Planinic, and Nora Doyle (all Medicine) published a peer-reviewed manuscript “Successful Delivery Following Prior Bicornuate Uterine Rupture: A Case Report and Literature Review” in The Journal of Reproductive Medicine.  This study is the first to describe a successful pregnancy…
Marta Soligo (Sociology, UNLV International Gaming Institute) published a blog post in Northern Notes, the blog of the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds in the UK, titled "The Local is the New Tourist: Sociological Perspectives on Italy’s Travel Market Recovery." In the post, Soligo examines…
Aidy Weeks, Ruby Nugent, and Mayra Corn (all Libraries) recently published "Special Report: Nuestra Comunidad: Themes and Shared Experiences in a Latinx Librarian Cohort" on the WOC + Lib Blog. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and the Appendix. Weeks is the graduate medical education liaison librarian and collections manager for the Health…
Dr. Tanya Al-Talib and Dr. Neamat Hassan (both Dental) accepted invitations to lead webinars for the Saudi Dental Education Society. In April, Al-Talib presented "The Importance of Sleep Disordered Breathing in Adults — Why include in Dental Education."  In May, Hassan presented “Potential of Qualitative Research in Dentistry." Each webinar…
Christina Miskey, Kelsey Mazmanyan, Cory Lampert, and Andrea Wirth (all Libraries) had an article "Integrating Student Assistants into Digital Repository Workflows: Challenges and Best Practices" published in Library Leadership and Management. The article discusses how the scholarly communication initiatives and digital collections…
Dr. John Colombo (Dental) received a $25,000 Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) pilot grant to test his team’s hand-held tool that uses drug-free oxidant-generating technology to remove biofilms from dental pulp. Unlike other electrochemical-driven devices that have metal or boron-doped diamond electrodes, Colombo’s tool generates…
Drs. Jeffrey Ebersole, David Cappelli, Christina Demopoulos, Antonina Capurro, Brian Chrzan, Karl Kingsley, Katherine Howard, and Nathaniel Clark co-authored “Harmful Chemicals Emitted from Electronic Cigarettes and Potential Deleterious Effects in the Oral Cavity,” which appeared last month in the online issue of Tobacco Induced Diseases.…
Tiffiany Howard (Political Science), Congressional Black Caucus Foundation senior research analyst Naomi Smith, and foundation intern Uju Nwaigwe of Georgetown University have published "Banks and the Black Community: What Can Major Commercial and Retail Banking Institutions Do to Better Support Black Entrepreneurs and…
Seong-min Park, Hong Lu, and Joshua W. Donnelly (all Criminal Justice), along with Young-oh Hong (Korean Institute of Criminology), recently published a peer-reviewed research article, "Untangling the Complex Pathways to Confidence in the Police in South Korea: a Stepwise Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Analysis" in the Asian Journal of…

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