Renato "Rainier" M. Liboro (Psychology) recently published an open-access, peer-reviewed article, "Catholic Family Ties: Sustaining and Supporting HIV-Positive Canadian Gay Men’s Faith, Mental Health, and Wellbeing," in the journal Religions. The aim of the community-based, participatory research study presented in this article was to…
Mary Whitehead (Student Diversity and Social Justice) participated as a panelist in the "Navigating Racial Trauma for Black Identifying Clients and Clinicians" event facilitated by the Psychology Diversity Committee at Roosevelt University this month.
Karla Irwin and Tammi Kim (both Libraries) were panelists during "Scalable Solutions for Design Records" at the Society of American Archivists virtual meeting this week. The panel, which included colleagues Cheryll Fong from the University of Minnesota, and Andi Altenbach from Studio Gang, discussed how finding solutions…
Kelly Ann Garthe (Nursing) successfully defended her dissertation titled "Rejection Sensitivity and the Intent to Seek Medical Help Among Gender Minority Individuals."  She officially earned her doctorate status.  
Romeo Jackson (Student Diversity & Social Justice), Antonio Duran of Auburn University, and Alex C. Lange of the University of Iowa published an article in the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. The article is titled "The Theoretical Engagements of Scholarship on LGBQT+ People in Higher Education" A Look at Research Published Between…
Lung-Wen Antony Chen, Lung-Chang Chien (both Environmental and Occupational Health), and Ge Lin (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) recently published an article, "Nonuniform Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality over the United States," in Science of the Total Environment. This paper analyzes data from long-term air quality…
Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West), William E. Brown, Jr. (Brookings Mountain West), and David Damore (Political Science) had a guest column published in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "Whom Do You Trust? Not NSHE or the Regents." The three discuss the recent special session of the Nevada Legislature, and examine the…
Cory Lampert, Darnelle Melvin, and Seth Shaw (all Libraries) participated in the “Archives and Special Collections Linked Data Review Group” through OCLC, a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large. The group, supported by…
Elizabeth Lawrence (Sociology) and colleagues published an article, "Health Lifestyles and the Transition to Adulthood," in Socius.

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