Tyler D. Parry (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) was interviewed by Nevada Public Radio on the history of "Sundown Towns," and how we might contextualize the current debates occurring in Minden and its historical ordinances that barred indigenous people from the town after 6:30 p.m.
Andrew Graves and Karl Kingsley (both Dental), along with Sukdeep Sandhu, '20 DMD,  published their research "Expression of miR-720 is Correlated with DNMT3 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas" in the journal ExRNA. Graves will graduate from the DMD program with the class of 2021.
Amanda Belarmino, and Liheng Zhang (both Hospitality), along with Tevfik Demirciftci, '20 PhD Hospitality, wrote an article, "Online Reviews and Travel Magazine Awards: Their Influence on Willingness-to-Pay," that was published this month in the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. Zhang is a doctoral student.
Aidy Weeks (Libraries) had a database review, "A Review of LWW Health Library for Clerkship/Clinical Rotations," published in Doody's Collection Development Monthly, a medical librarian collection development resource. Weeks is with the Health Sciences Library.
Sanae El Ibrahimi (Environmental and Occupational Health) and colleagues from Comagine Health, the Center for Policy and Research in Emergency Medicine at the Oregon Health & Science University and Pharmacy College at the Oregon State University recently published "A Comparison of Trends in Opioid Dispensing Patterns between Medicaid Pharmacy…
Dr. James Mah (Dental) co-authored “Effect of Botulinum Toxin Injection on Asymmetric Lower Face with Chin Deviation,” which appeared in Toxins as part of a special issue addressing the application of botulinum toxin in clinical medicine.
Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) co-authored “Gingival Tissue Autophagy Pathway Gene Expression Profiles in Periodontitis and Aging,” which appeared online ahead of print in the Journal of Periodontal Research.
Angela Amar (Nursing) recently wrote a guest editorial for the Journal of Forensic Nursing. The article is "Antiracist Vision for Forensic Nursing."
Han-Fen Hu and Kirk Silvernail (both Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) co-authored a publication with former UNLV professor Robert Randolph titled "Better the Devil You Know: Inter-organizational Information Technology and Network Social Capital in Competition Networks." The paper will appear in the September issue of Information…

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