Manoj Sharma (Environmental & Occupational Health) coauthored an article, "Motivations for Treatment Engagement in a Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program: A Qualitative Study" in the journal Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment in collaboration with coauthors from University of Memphis, Harvard/MGH Center on Genomics, and…
Neil Dodge (History) won a Summer Research Award for Graduate Students from Brigham Young University's Charles Redd Center for Western Studies. He will use the award to conduct research and write a dissertation chapter, "Reimagined People: Captives as Beloved Kin, 1846-1868."  His dissertation traces the changing parameters of Navajo identity…
Nancy Lough (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) was a panelist on the latest Tucker Center Talks podcast, a co-production with Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport at the University of Minnesota. In this episode, Nicole M. LaVoi talks to three advocates, scholars, collaborators, and colleagues…
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) delivered a presentation on "Effective Time Management" to the current cohort in the Tide Together mentoring program at the University of Alabama. Tide Together helps traditionally underrepresented students in graduate programs reach personal and professional success as they navigate their…
Tyler D. Parry (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) wrote an article, "Police Still Use Attack Dogs against Black Americans," which was published in the Washington Post on Sept. 2. It provides a brief analysis of the history of "attack dogs" used for racist violence, connecting the history to recent events in American society. He is an…
Dr. Joshua J. Goldman, Dr. Richard Baynosa (both Medicine) and the Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery were awarded a $5,000 Breast Reconstruction Awareness Fund Public Awareness Award to directly support efforts to increase breast reconstruction surgery awareness and education to women and their family members. Nevada is in…
John Curry (History) was appointed to a three-to-five-year term on the Development Committee for the Advanced Placement world history exam, which is administered to hundreds of thousands of high school students each year. This committee represents a unique collaboration between high school and college educators, and is made up of six key…
Dr. Nabil Noureddin (Medicine) recently published a manuscript, “Driving NASH Forward Using the FAST Score but Obey the Traffic Lights,” in Hepatology Journal. He is the first author on the paper that commented on a recent study that developed a non-invasive score to identify patients at risk of progressive nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH…
Susan McLennon (Nursing) co-authored “Personal Road Map for Recovery: Examining the Therapeutic Use of Weblogs by Stroke Survivors with Aphasia," which was published in Disability and Rehabilitation.

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