Joanne Goodwin (History) participated in a webinar, "Trailblazers: The National Votes for Women Trail," sponsored by the National Woman's Suffrage Centennial Commission.  
Saha Salahi (Communication Studies, Brookings Mountain West, and The Lincy Institute) along with Santiago Gudino-Rosales, '20 BS Biology, and Yanneli Llamas, '20 BA English and Criminal Justice, were featured in "Our Nation of Immigrants," a new Brookings Cafeteria Podcast series on immigration policy that launched Sept. 21 and is led by John…
Alan Simmons (Anthropology) has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar award to continue research on the first inhabitants of the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.  His research will focus on the site of Ais Giorkis that he has excavated for the past several years. He also will work with the Department of Antiquities on issues related to the…
Lung-Chang Chien (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) published an article on "COVID-19 Outbreak, Mitigation, and Governance in High Prevalent Countries" in the journal Annuals of Global Health. The study investigated the outbreak and mitigation of COVID-19 in different levels of governance among multiple high-prevalent countries in the…
Marc J. Kahn (Medicine) published an editorial in The Sun titled, "In Wildfires and Pandemics, 'It's Not Just the Match — It's Where It Lands,'" discussing the context of health care disparities and limited access to health as a substrate for the current pandemic.
Amy Tureen and Susie Skarl (both Libraries) had an article, "Assessing Generational Preferences in Characteristics of an Admired Leader Among Career Library Professionals," published in Library Leadership & Management. Tureen is the head of the library liaison program and Skarl is the urban affairs librarian. Library Leadership &…
Hans Rawhouser (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) recently was recognized as a runner up for the 2020 Best Paper for the Academy of Management Discoveries along with co-authors Shon Hiatt (USC) and Michael Cummings (Arkansas) for their paper titled, "Does a Common Mechanism Engender Common Results? Sustainable Development…
John Curry (History) published an extensive, peer-reviewed chapter in the Routledge Handbook on Sufism (London: Routledge Press, 2021). Edited by the well-known scholar of Islamic mysticism, Lloyd Ridgeon of University of Glasgow, the volume contains chapters by more than 30 of the best-known specialists in the field of Islamic studies. It serves…
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) served as a speaker for a tri-institution professional development seminar.  He spoke to professional associations representing California State University, Fresno, Adelphi University, and New York University.  The topic was understanding the historical context behind the…

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