Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) presented on a virtual symposium on her book Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice at the Third Annual International Forum on Migrants, Refugees and Human Rights, organized by Paso de Esperanza A.C. in Monterrey, Mexico.
Jordan Ringer, Bryan Morrison, and Karl Kingsley (all Dental) published their research, "Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid to Modulate Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Growth In Vitro" in the upcoming issue of the Journal of Functional Biomaterials. Ringer and Morrison are Dental Medicine students who plan to graduate in 2021.
John Colombo (Dental) co-authored “Innovative Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics in Cleft Palate Tissue Engineering,” which appeared in the September issue of Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews, and “Modeling Hypoxia Induced Factors to Treat Pulpal Inflammation and Drive Regeneration,” which appeared in the Journal of Endodontics.
Amanda Belarmino (Hospitality) recently had an article published in Current Issues in Tourism. Her study surveyed hosts who had first listed their homes for rent during mega-events, like the Olympics. The study found that those who were satisfied with the money they earned, their interactions with the guests,…
Stephanie Loomis (Teaching and Learning) published an article along with co-author Buffy Hamilton in the September issue of Voices from the Middle, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English. "The Classroom Is a Mirror: Learning Spaces as a Reflection of Instructional Design" discussed the importance of classroom layout…
Carlos S. Dimas (History) was an invited speaker for the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine's working group Under Stormy Skies: Atmospheric Science, Technology, and Society. He delivered a paper entitled "State Visions: Exploring the Argentine Landscape in the Gran Chaco, 1870-1910" that looked at how engineers and armies…
Erin Hannon, Stephen Benning, and Joel Snyder (all Psychology) have been awarded a Misophonia Research Fund grant from the REAM Foundation. Hannon is the principal investigator, while Benning and Snyder are co-investigators. The project title is "Misophonia and High-level Auditory and Affective Processing in Adults and Children," and the total…
Dr. Nabil Noureddin (Medicine) published his manuscript, “Noninvasive Testing Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques as Outcomes in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Trials: How Full Is the Glass?” in the Hepatology Communications Journal. Noureddin is the first author on this editorial that emphasized how MRI techniques can accurately…
Natalie Pennington (Communication Studies) has co-authored an academic journal article alongside Kelly Winfrey (Journalism, Iowa State). Their article, titled "Engaging in Political Talk on Facebook: Investigating the Role of Interpersonal Goals and Cognitive Engagement," was published in the academic journal Communication…

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