Brett Abarbanel (International Gaming Institute) and colleagues Sally Gainsbury and Alex Blaszczynski of the University of Sydney in Australia published an article in New Frontiers in Psychiatry about in-play betting behaviors and gambling problems.  
Dr. Ron Lemon (Dental) accepted a nomination to join a committee responsible for helping redesign the Western Regional Examining Board competency assessment exam that 40 states — including Nevada — use to license dental professionals. During his one-year term, Lemon and his fellow committee members will re-evaluate multiple aspects of the exam,…
Kenneth Miller (Political Science) and David Cohen (Bliss Institute of Applied Politics, University of Akron) spoke to the Economic Club of Las Vegas and participated in the forum "What to Expect on Election Night," where they discussed the electoral landscape, scenarios most likely to unfold, and the systems media outlets use to "…
Jacob D. Skousen (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) and colleagues from Brigham Young University, Spencer Weiler and Nate Schmutz, presented their research virtually at the 2020 Education Law Association Annual Conference. Their paper, "Risks and Costs of School Safety: Assessing Different Measures," investigated the risks and…
Erick López (Sociology and School of Public Health) presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting on the topic "The Association Between Sociocultural Measures of Acculturation and Vigorous Leisure Time Physical Activity in Latinxs."    
Tyler D. Parry (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) appeared on the program Nevada Week, which airs on Vegas PBS. He was interviewed about the school-to-prison pipeline in the Clark County School District and the nation. He also discussed curriculum in public schools and the lack of representation for students of color within the…
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy), presented an invited (virtual) talk, "It Could've Been Beef: Meat Eating, Moral Responsibility, and COVID-19" for Utah State University's philosophy department. The talk was sponsored by the USU Philosophy Club. 
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published the co-authored article "Mobilizing Sophisticated Donors: What Candidate Facebook Posts Do Attract Intra- and Inter-District Donations?" in Issues & Studies. The article exploits a dataset combining a Taiwanese mayor candidate's Facebook posts and all individual donations during the…
Ashley Hairston Doughty and Lance Smith (Art) are included in an online exhibition, "Skin in the Game," at Palos Verdes Art Center in California, curated by Brent Holmes. The exhibition includes artists from various backgrounds who are committed to the cause of racial justice. The exhibition also features UNLV almni Karla Lagunas,…

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