Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) gave a presentation entitled "Other People's Storied Objects" at the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting in Portland, OR. This presentation was part of a panel honoring the work and legacy of Amy Shuman. Bock also sat on a panel titled "Meet the Editors: Demystifying the Journal…
Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health; Internal Medicine) presented a virtual paper titled, “Asynchronous online teaching of research methods to graduate students: Application of the multi-theory model of health behavior change” at the 16th International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI 2023) in Seville, Spain. The…
Amy Brown (Music) was nominated and selected as Nevada Society of Innovators and Digital Educators (NVSIDE) Outstanding Teacher of the Year!  The Outstanding Teacher of the Year award "recognizes a classroom teacher and Computer Using Educator (CUE) member who has made a noteworthy contribution to educational technology in a classroom…
Michael Chin (Honors) recently published a short story, “The Lost Girl,” in Bluestem Magazine from Eastern Illinois University.
On Nov. 10, Marta Soligo (Office of Economic Development and Hospitality) was invited as a guest speaker by the University of Insubria in Italy. She shared her research on film induced tourism, sustainability, and social justice with the students of the course of Destination Management and Marketing. During her lecture, Soligo explained the…
Mira Dani and Nataliyah Tahir (both Medicine) received the American Medical Association Service Project Award.
Jeff Stempel (Law) gave a presentation last week on "Information Duties in Insurance: Contract Formation and Other Issues" at the III Congresso Internacional de Direito do Seguro, IX Forum de Direito do Seguro, Brasilia, Brazil. 
Georgia College & State University has selected LeAnne Salazar Montoya (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) as a visiting scholar for spring 2024. As a visiting scholar she will share a special lecture series and guest appearance on campus in the spring of 2024. She is elated to represent the great work happening at…
Nachman Gutowski (Law) presented and moderated several sessions at LexCon ’23 by AccessLex in Chicago. His talks were entitled “Measuring Success: Evolving Approaches to Data Collection and Reporting,” as well as "The Genius Hour: Academic and Bar Success." He moderated two panels, “ChatGPT in the Classroom,” and “Put Your Oxygen Mask On First:…

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