Jennifer McCarthy, Heidi Albrecht, and Bridget Saul (all Space Management) presented at the Campus FM Technology Association Conference in Pasadena, CA. Their presentation "Location! Location! Location! Where's Waldo?" discussed the process and implementation of assigning occupants to space in the Archibus Integrated Workplace Management Software.
John Haberstroh (History) facilitated a workshop discussion called "Chatting about ChatGPT II" at the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association (PCB-AHA) at the University of Hawaii, Manoa on August 2. This discussion continued a conversation began at last year's annual meeting on the instructional,…
Dr. Lung-Chang Chien (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) hosted and presented in a workshop titled, "R Programming for WQS, LWQS, and BYM Models," at the School of Public Health. This workshop was part of the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) Geospatial Project. Chien provided instruction to SNHD staff on writing R code to conduct variable…
Dale Melgaard (Film) has received an "Official Selection" to the Roshani International Film Festival for an original short script, The Phatman.
Katherine Howard, Karl Kingsley, Brendon Yu, and Nathaniel Kruse (all Dental) recently published their study, "Downstream Target Analysis for miR-365 among Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas Reveals Differential Associations with Chemoresistance," in the journal MDPI Life.
Anthony King, Ting Tong, Danielle Le, Donna Sim, and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology) published an article titled, "Adverse childhood experiences, health risk factors, and significant problems with substances and behaviors among U.S. college students" in the Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Rickey N. McCurry (Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement) co-presented with Greta Daniels, CFRE, senior vice president, RNL, at the 2024 RNL National Conference on Enrollment, Student Success, and Fundraising in Dallas, Texas. The presentation on “Reimagining the Advancement Business Model to Promote Healthy Pipeline Growth” discussed the balancing…
Professor Joe Regalia (Law) will be leading multiple legal writing and technology programs for the nation's federal district judges at the Federal Judicial Center's annual training.
Associate professors Federick Ngo and Stefani Relles (both Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) were awarded a five-year, $1.2 million research grant from the Institute of Education Sciences. They will examine the impact and implementation of Nevada’s Corequisite Reform, which allows students to enroll directly in college-…

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