Louisa Messenger (Environmental and Occupational Health) co-published an article titled "Evaluation of bio-efficacy of field-aged novel long-lasting insecticidal nets (PBO, chlorfenapyr or pyriproxyfen combined with pyrethroid) against Anopheles gambiae (s.s.) in Tanzania" in the journal Current Research in Parasitology & Vector-Borne Diseases…
Danica G. Hays (Education) recently co-authored a 27-year scoping review of online instructional practices and outcomes in counselor education.  The article is featured in the Counselor Education and Supervision journal, the flagship journal of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision.
Jichun Li (Mathematical Sciences) published a single authored paper in the top journal Computers & Mathematics with Applications (vol.172, 2024, pp.111-124). Here he proved one-order higher superconvergence for the time-dependent Maxwell's equations solved by arbitrary order H(curl) and H(div) basis functions on rectangular and cuboid elements…
Jichun Li (Mathematical Sciences) and his collaborators recently established a time-dependent Maxwell’s equation model for simulating wave propagation in hyperbolic metamaterials. They proposed effective numerical algorithms to demonstrate the applications for designing hyperbolic superlenses. The results are published in the Computational…
Clariana Ramos de Oliveira, Laura Chechel, Claudia Palombo (all Nursing), and collaborators have published the article "Associations between Neighborhood Characteristics, Mental Health, and Parenting Among Mothers with Young Children in Brazil" in PLOS Mental Health Journal. This cross-sectional study, conducted in Salvador, Brazil, explores…
Kara Christensen Pacella and graduate student Maegan Nation (both Psychology) published a new paper in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, "Negative Affect as a Mediator Between Exposure to Fitspiration and Thinspiration and Disordered Eating Behaviors: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study." They found that, among young women with…
Asma Awan and Manoj Sharma (both Social and Behavioral Health) presented a webinar on "Fibroid Uterus in African Women: Perspectives for a Health Behavioral Change Model" in collaboration with researchers from Nigeria under the topic "Fibroid and Wellness: Understanding Fibroids, Enhancing Wellness for African Women." The webinar was arranged…
On July 18, Pitch Mayhem, the premier pitch tournament designed to elevate Las Vegas as a leading tech destination, successfully took place at UNLV's Black Fire Innovation. The event brought together the brightest minds in technology, venture capital, and entrepreneurship, marking a significant milestone in the city's…
For the second year in a row, professor Seyhmus Baloglu has been recognized as one of the top 2% of Sports, Leisure, and Tourism Scholars in the world based on Scopus data provided by Elsevier. Now in its sixth iteration, this prestigious list identifies the world's leading researchers, representing approximately 2% of all scientists…

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