Zhi Cao (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) recently had his paper, "When Does the Pre-Entry Experience of New Entrants Improve Their Performance? A Meta-Analytical Investigation of Critical Moderators," accepted by Organization Science, an “A+" journal on Lee Business School's SARS list. He co-authored with professor Hart Posen (University of Wisconsin-Madison).
The authors examined the condition under which new entrants' pre-entry experience improves their post-entry performance. Based on meta-analysis of empirical findings from 272 studies, they found a positive relationship between pre-entry experience and new entrant performance. They also show that the correlation of pre-entry experience and economic performance is lower in knowledge- or technology-intensive (KTI) industries, but higher in low KTI manufacturing and service industries. The correlation is also higher in institutional environments with high power distance and individualism.