Rajiv Kishore (Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology) has a co-authored paper, “Older Adults in Virtual Communities: Understanding the Antecedents of Knowledge Contribution and Knowledge Seeking through the Lens of Socioemotional Selectivity and Social Cognitive Theories,” accepted by the Journal of Knowledge Management, an “A” journal on the Australian Business Deans Council journal list. This paper examines the impacts of attitude toward aging, meaning in life, outcome expectations, and other members’ participation on older adults’ knowledge contribution and knowledge seeking activities in virtual communities. Hypotheses were tested using data from a sample of 204 older adults in three virtual communities in China. Results show that while other members’ participation acts as a substitute for meaning in life and attitude toward aging, it acts as a complement for outcome expectations focused on others and outcome expectations focused on oneself in their impacts on knowledge contributing/seeking activities. In addition to advancing our understanding of older adults’ participation in virtual communities, this study also provides practical insights for developing elder human resources via virtual communities to avoid knowledge loss in aging societies.