Manoj Sharma (Environmental and Occupational Health) presented two posters at the American Public Health Association’s 149th annual meeting held as a hybrid virtually and in Denver. The first presentation was “Technology Use to Improve Social Connectedness among Older Adults during COVID-19: Enhancing Educational Interventions,” and second one was “Efficacy of Yoga Interventions on Quality of Sleep among Older Adults: A Comprehensive Review.” In addition, he was a co-presenter on nine additional presentations with Chia-Liang Dai (Education), Kavita Batra (Medicine), Micajah Daniels (Public Health), Raisa Kabir (Public Health), Sayeda Zaidi (Life Sciences) and colleagues from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Berea College, City of Dayton, Civic Hall, Ohio Commission on Minority Health, University of Arkansas, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Weitzman Institute, Wright State University, and Youngstown State University. Kabir is a post baccalaureate student, Zaidi is an undergraduate student, and Daniels is a graduate student.