Ph.D. candidate Harry Jang (Radiochemistry) recently published an article in ACS Omega titled, "Tailoring Triuranium Octoxide into Multidimensional Uranyl Fluoride Micromaterials." The article investigates uranium microstructured materials with the aim of elaborating on unexplored uranium fluoride micromaterials. The successful preparation of uranium fluoride microstructures (ms, mr, and mp) developed here opens the way to novel actinide fluoride micromaterials with potential applications in medical isotope production, fuels for nuclear reactors, standards for nuclear forensics and energy sources for space exploration. This material is based upon work performed under the auspices of the Consortium on Nuclear Security Technologies (CONNECT) supported by the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration under Award Number(s) DE-NA0003948. Dr. Frederic Poineau (Chemistry and Biochemistry) is his advisor and principal investigator of the CONNECT program at UNLV.