Gabriela Buccini (Environmental and Occupational Health) recently published an article on "Scaling Up of Brazil’s Criança Feliz Early Childhood Development Program: An Implementation Science Analysis" in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science. To address inequities that prevent socioeconomically vulnerable young children from reaching their full developmental potential, Brazil implemented the Programa Criança Feliz (PCF) (“Happy Child” early childhood development program) in 2016. Through the lens of implementation science, this qualitative case study aimed to analyze the barriers and enablers for PCF emergence, scaling up, and sustainability from the perspective of key informants (KIs) at the federal and state levels.
She also recently co-authored an article on "Psychometric Properties of the Child Development Assessment Questionnaire (QAD-PIPAS) for Use in Population Studies involving Brazilian Children Aged 0-59 Months" in the Journal of Pediatria. The QAD-PIPAS showed evidence of construct validity and reliability to be used in population studies involving children aged 0-59 months during multi-vaccination campaigns in Brazil.