Frank Cucinotta (Health Physics & Diagnostic Sciences) has had his work published in multiple journals. He co-authored "The Hohmann-Parker Effect Measured by the Mars Science Laboratory on the Transfer from Earth to Mars: Consequences and Opportunities," which reports a new effect describing the solar magnetic field lines at spacecraft as they travel from the Earth to Mars. This new "Parker-Hohmann Effect" provides a theoretical description of the relationships between magnetic field connections for objects moving from Earth to Mars along minimal energy trajectories. The article appeared in the November 2013 issue of the journal Planetary and Space Science. He also co-authored "The Radiation Environment on the Surface of Mars Measured on the Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity Rover," which provides insight about the radiation hazards associated with a human mission to the surface of Mars, addresses the potential of microbial survival times of any possible existing or past life, as well as the preservation of potential organic biosignatures of the ancient Martian environment. The article appeared online in the journal Science in December. He is the senior author of "Epidermal Homeostasis and Radiation Responses in a Multiscale Tissue Modeling Framework," which outlines his work testing how high-dose radiation exposures could injure and destroy proliferative cells and cause cutaneous radiation syndrome. The article appeared in the December 2013 issue of the journal Integrative Biology.