The Multicultural Educational Services Alliance (MESA) Team (Education) was chosen from more than 90 applicants as a focus project at the national Teach to Lead Summit held in Washington, D.C., last month. The annual teacher preparation summit seeks to spotlight and advance groundbreaking research and work happening in states, districts, and schools across the nation.
MESA team members Jori Beck (Teaching and Learning); Cynthia Chávez, a teacher in the Clark County School District ; and UNLV students Marcus Jackson (Education), Rosemary Flores (Public Policy and Leadership), and Tonya Walls (Education) were invited to workshop the team’s new project, Abriendo Caminos/Opening Pathways, which seeks to add to and diversify the pool of highly skilled educators across Clark County and Nevada. The team also was highlighted in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education’s EdPrepMatters newsletter.