Alexander Barzilov, Woosoon Yim (both Mechanical Engineering), Artem Gelis (Radiochemistry), and Ke-Xun Sun (Electrical and Computer Engineering) were awarded a five-year, $5,000,000 renewal grant from the National Nuclear Security Administration through the Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program (MSIPP) to continue research projects of the Nuclear Security Science and Technology Consortium (NSSTC). The consortium is building a sustainable pipeline between the Department of Energy’s (DOE) sites/labs and minority-serving institutions, thus creating the next generation world-class STEM workforce. Nuclear science and engineering experts at UNLV, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of New Mexico, Nevada National Security Sites, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Argonne National Laboratory have partnered to address overarching themes within the research area of nuclear security. The NSSTC provides students with practical experience and training through research projects and experiential learning.