HCA 493: HCA Practicum
Section: 1002
Course | Section | Credits | Instructor | Dates | Status | Call Number |
HCA 493 | 1002 | 3 (6 max credits) | Tanner Anita | Jan. 21, 2025 to May. 10, 2025 | Open | 29462 |
Provides practical experience in local health services organizations. Students will be exposed to a variety of operational opportunities that will prepare them to work in the field of healthcare administration.Prerequisites
HCA Major, Minimum 2.75 GPA +
This is an Internet class; refer to Canvas instructions at https://unlv.instructure.com.Permission to enroll is contingent on the securing an appropriate internship, onboarding compliance and SPH Internship Coordinator Bobbie Jo Trude, (bobbie.trude@unlv.edu) approval. Please review the SPH Pre-Internship Website at
https://sites.google.com/unlv.edu/sph-internship-resources/steps-to-find-an-internship and submit your Internship Project Proposal (step 5) to request permission
to enroll. Once approved, you will receive permission to enroll at your
Rebel Mail email address. You may reach out to the SPH Internship Coordinator, Bobbie Jo Trude (bobbie.trude@unlv.edu) for pre-internship questions and enrollment assistance. Please direct course questions to the instructor, Anita Tanner (anita.tanner@unlv.edu)
Technical requirements for this course, purchased at the student's expense, include access to Wifi, computer (no chrome books), webcam, and microphone.
Additional Costs: Practicum students must meet program and site-specific onboarding requirements for their practicum experience. All onboarding fees and medical costs, for the internship experience, are the responsibility of the student. Onboarding requirements may include pre-employment background checks, drug-testing, health vaccinations and testing, and training compliance.
The UNLV Student Wellness Center provides low/no cost medical services for students.
This data is for informational purposes only. Please see http://my.unlv.edu for a full catalog and more information.