Under the direction of the Executive Board and the GPSA Manager and Advisor, the GPSA operates through several autonomous and semi-independent divisions or offices. These subsidiary administrative units support varying functions of the GPSA including activities and social events, lobbying trips, programming, messaging, academic/research collaborations, and elections.
Each division is granted an annual budget set forth by the Ways & Means Committee. Divisions provide a higher level of organization, creating a more efficient and productive graduate student government.
Each division is staffed by UNLV graduate and professional students, offering ample leadership opportunities within the GPSA.
- Engagement & Outreach
- Communications & Marketing
- Legislative Affairs
- Operations
- Sponsored Funding
- Program Initiatives & Oversight
Division leaders are members of the President’s Cabinet and provide counsel to the GPSA President. The Division of Sponsored Funding is led by the elected GPSA Vice President. The Divisions of Engagement & Outreach, Communications & Marketing, Legislative Affairs and Operations are overseen by Directors which are nominated by the GPSA President and confirmed by the GPSA Council.
Division Directors receive a $2,000 stipend ($1,000 per semester). To be a Division Director and member of the President's Cabinet, apply through the GPSA President's Cabinet Application.