Constitution & Bylaws Committee
The Constitution & Bylaws Committee considers all proposed amendments to the GPSA Constitution and the GPSA Bylaws and makes recommendations to the GPSA Council. This committee also oversees that GPSA operations are in compliance with the constitution and bylaws.
Legislative Affairs Committee
Formerly known as Government Relations and active only during years when the Nevada Legislature met, this committee was reorganized in 2021. The Legislative Affairs Committee prioritizes GPSA initiatives, resolutions, and long-term goals. This committee now operates year-round, executing strategies including lobbying efforts, key message development and dissemination, and preparing and submitting correspondence to local, state, and Congressional offices.
The chair of this committee works closely with the university’s Office of Government Affairs. It is imperative that graduate and professional students stay actively involved in communicating with the Board of Regents and the Nevada State Legislature. Increasing state funding in support of higher education is crucial to the diversified growth of Nevada’s economy and the betterment of the State’s community members.
Other Ways to Get Involved with Legislation
Rules & Ethics Committee
The Rules & Ethics Committee exists to evaluate the actions of all GPSA officers, committee members, Council members and representatives, employees, and volunteers as well as explore the qualifications for nominees and applicants to various positions within the graduate student government. The Rules & Ethics Committee enhances the student experience as it holds GPSA’s elected and appointed officials accountable for their actions. This committee investigates concerns, complaints, and grievances brought forth by graduate and professional students, the UNLV community, and the community at large. While striving to provide mediation and resolution, this committee also encourages respect, individuality, and camaraderie.
Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship Committee makes research and travel grant funding recommendations to the council by reviewing submitted applications against the qualifications set forth by the GPSA Sponsorship Operating Policy. The GPSA allocates its largest programming budget of $175,000 annually to the Research and Travel Grant Program. All applications for GPSA sponsorship are deliberated privately by the Sponsorship Committee members, but all recommendations submitted to the council are available to the public upon request. The council’s approval of the Sponsorship Committee’s recommendations is delegated to the GPSA Vice President. The vice president will provide a summary of the Sponsorship Committee’s recommendations at the following council meeting. These funds can only be awarded to enrolled graduate and professional students (minimum one credit hour) at UNLV.
Ways & Means Committee
The Ways & Means Committee represents the council on matters pertaining to the review and oversight of financial activities within GPSA. The elected GPSA Treasurer assumes the position of chair of this committee upon the start of their term but may delegate the role. The Ways & Means Committee is established for the purposes of preparing the annual GPSA budget in partnership with the GPSA President and GPSA Advisor, serving as financial counsel to GPSA and receiving all requests for funding from Registered Graduate and Professional Student Organizations (RSOs).