About the Committee

The Campus and Fiscal Affairs Committee designs and conducts evaluations of the President of the University and ensures that evaluations of other administrators are conducted. It advises in formulating library policy and development of information technology policy. The committee reports to the faculty on the distribution of administrative merit and reviews salary and fringe benefits and makes recommendations for adjustment. The committee oversees a broad range of issues not specifically charged to another senate committee, such as athletics, parking, preschool, and part-time instructors.

6.4 The Campus & Fiscal Affairs Committee shall perform the following functions:

  • 6.4.1 Design and conduct an evaluation of the President of the University as prescribed in Chapter III, Section 14.2 of the UNLV Bylaws. Ensure that all other subordinate evaluations, as mandated by Chapter III, Section 14.3 of the UNLV Bylaws, are completed. Act in an advisory capacity on procedural matters that pertain to the evaluation of administrators.
  • 6.4.2 Advise the Faculty Senate on matters of policy related to the library or information technology not otherwise assigned to a Senate committee.
  • 6.4.3 Advise the Senate on matters of academic policy not otherwise assigned to a Senate committee.
  • 6.4.4 Report to the Senate on administrative merit assignments, and equity salary adjustments, each academic year
  • 6.4.5 Make recommendations to the Senate on matters of faculty reward and general welfare.
  • 6.4.6 Make recommendations on issues of general campus concern forwarded to it by the Senate Chair, Executive Committee, or the Senate itself. Create, with the advice and consent of the Senate Chair, joint sub-committees with other Senate or university committee to make recommendations on matters of overlapping jurisdiction.

Campus & Fiscal Affairs plays an important role across a wide range of issues. Members serve two-year terms.

Committee Reports

Available upon request, please email faculysenate@unlv.edu



Bill Robinson
Term expires July 1, 2024

Administrative Faculty

Elora Paik
Term expires July 1, 2023

Robert Levrant
Term expires July 1, 2023

School of Business

Honghui Deng
Term expires July 1, 2023

College of Education

Federick Ngo
Term expires July 1, 2024

College of Engineering

Samaan Ladkany
Term expires July 1, 2023

College of Fine Arts

Glenn Nowak
Term expires July 1, 2023

Division of Health Sciences

Jennifer Pharr
Term expires July 1, 2023

College of Hospitality

Laura Book
Term expires July 1, 2023

School of Law


College of Liberal Arts

Courtney Carter
Term expires July 1, 2024

University Libraries

Patrick Griffis
Term expires July 1, 2023

College of Sciences

Kaushik Ghosh
Term expires July 1, 2024

College of Urban Affairs

Angela Howard
Term expires July 1, 2024



Undergraduate Student


Graduate Student Representatives
