UNLV Diversity Dialogue Lunch & Learn: Change Your Brain, Enhance Your Life
Nov. 14, 2024, 12pm to 2pm
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Room 135
Kindness and compassion need us now more than ever and can help build bridges back from anger, anxiety, divisiveness, violence, wars and anger.
During these difficult and often distressing times, how do we develop a stance of resilience and an attitude of compassion?
What does compassion look like?
How can we grow our capacity for compassion in uncertain times?
These are some of the questions our guest speaker, Dr. Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist and author of Buddha's Brain, will be sharing with us. In association with UNLV, Compassionate Las Vegas is excited to welcome you!
Admission Information
Event is open students, faculty and staff.
Contact Information
Division of Diversity Initiatives
Otis Henderson